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Geoff Woods was born on Remembrance Day in 1960; he shared this day with many other important events. Ned Kelly got hung, the First World War stopped, and Gough Whitlam got sacked. He grew up in the Eastern Suburbs of Melbourne in a town called Mitcham. Coming from a large family there wasn't such a thing as pocket money so Geoff learned at the age of eight that if you wanted money, you had to earn it yourself so his first money making venture at primary school was to sift through the ashes in the School incinerator for all the left over change that the other kids forgot to take out of the envelope when they got their change back from their lunch money. The ladies in the Canteen hated Geoff as he always turned up with burnt coins to spend at the canteen. As the years went by Geoff worked at the Butcher shop on Saturday mornings for Twenty Cents and then the Supermarket packing boxes for Fifty cents an hour.

At about eleven years old Geoff moved on to selling newspapers, at the local Pub, working at the Drycleaners on School holidays, working at the Local petrol station. Eventually Geoff got a job at the Pub washing beer glasses and at Fifteen while at work, he asked a local Bricklayer if he could get an Apprenticeship with him, it was a Pub based interview, the man said when do you want to start and Geoff said in two weeks' time and that was the interview over and the start of Geoff's Career as a Bricklayer. On the first day Geoff was helping the 50 year old Scaffolder put up Tube and Clip as the Scaffolder was holding up the Ledger with his shoulder adjusting its height, Geoff goes and throws a 12 foot hardwood plank straight on top of the putlogs while the scaffolder held it all up by his shoulder. You can imagine all the abuse Geoff got on his first day of his apprenticeship.
At nineteen Geoff had finished his apprentice as a bricklayer and his mate wanted to go to Tennant Creek in the Middle of Australia, so he talked Geoff into travelling with him to work in a Meat Abattoir. After a short stint at the Abattoirs, Geoff decided to head north to explore more of Australia so he headed for Darwin where he landed a job building Schools for a local Blocklayer in which Geoff picked up skills with Cyclone proofing buildings to withstand the forces of a Cyclone should one occur.

At the age of twenty Geoff travelled back down to Melbourne to sell up some of his items so that he could go back to Darwin and live there, when he got back to Darwin he had saved up Seven Thousand dollars in which he put down a deposit on a five acre property at Humpy Doo. Over the next four years Geoff had built a small one bedroom house on the property in which he did most of the work including building his own Septic Tank out of Besser Blocks and all his fencing.
At the age of twenty three Geoff had a Gang of Brick and Blocklayers all up 13 men working for him building houses and Schools, unfortunately for Geoff, they were making more money than him as he was not experienced enough at Twenty Three to price jobs and control the amount of men.
He eventually experienced the hardship of nearly going into Liquidation, lucky for Geoff some members of his family lent him some money to get back on his feet.
All of this is a life experience on doing business and how to react when things aren't going your way.
Late 1984 Geoff headed back to Melbourne to help his mate build his Dream home on The Mornington Peninsula, he eventually met a Developer Builder who talked Geoff into trying something different so he tried his hand at becoming a Stonemason with a soft Coral formed stone known as Mt. Gambier Limestone.
Geoff soon formed a business call Peninsula Limestone and soon started building these beautiful houses all around Melbourne and The Mornington Peninsula.
This Company eventually changed its name to Australian Limestone Building Stone P/L www.australianlimestone.com
In late 1999 Geoff had the sad task of going through a divorce in which he was reduced to the same amount of Capital as he had when he sold his Five acre property in Humpty Doo back in 1985.

Being the age of 40 and being drained of his assets Geoff had to come up with another way of recovering from his losses. He was introduced by his friend into the world of Websites in which many doors started to open. Back in the early 2000s not a lot of people were aware of the value of Websites so Geoff bought up some great sites including www.stonemasons.com.au and www.australianstonesuppliers.com.au
After a chance meeting with one of the first men, Geoff had worked with as a 15 year old who at this time had owned one of the largest Scaffoldhire and Scaffoldsales Companies in Australia. Geoff had decided to add to his small amount of Kwikstage scaffold stocks and form a Scaffold hire Company of his own and he called it Mornington Peninsula Scaffold Hire P/L.
The seed was set to recovery so Geoff asked his Website registering mate what webnames are still available in the Scaffoldhire and Scaffoldsales world.
To Geoff's amazement and luck www.scaffoldsales.com.au and www.scaffoldinghire.com and www.scaffoldinghire.com.au were available, so Geoff bought them up and then later Geoff's other mate suggested the name Australian Scaffoldsales P/L would be a good name and so Geoff registered it as well. So it was only natural that www.australianscaffoldsales.com was also available in which Geoff purchased. Other names he owns are www.scaffoldhire.com.au and www.scaff.com.au
After 10 years of developing Scaffold sales and Scaffolding hire Geoff has accrued in 2012, 37 year's experience in the Scaffold world and is trying to make his Companies name the most known in Australia eventually setting up Franchises all around Australia.